Leap of Faith: Camping in the Desert
Over 20 years ago, I took a leap of faith - a leap to goto the desert for a week and camp.
I never camped before.
Oh wait - I did, month before I went to the desert, I camped for a weekend at a music festival.
It’s basically the same, right?
That leap of faith forever changed my life - for the better? for the worse?
I won’t know, the change is significant enough that I really don’t know who I would be without taking that leap.
Since camping in the desert for a week - I made all new friends, around the world, I stayed at these people’s places, I plugged into a network of people I would never have without that experience.
The changes on top of more changes is an exponential change to my life.
When there is only 1% difference - I can imagine the alternative. With an exponential change, I can’t even imagine the alternative.
Maybe I would just the same old person? Or would fate propel this change in a different way?
Only higher power that can see all of these threads will ever know - or am I fated this path all along?