Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

My thoughts on Return to Office

I have crazy thoughts on working, especially as it relates to essential human endeavors such as hunting and farming.

Hunting is one way - where there is no guarantee of getting something. There is also an upside where you can get something big (or something big gets you!)

Farming is another way - where there is a guarantee of sustenence. The guarantee comes with a caveat that you get what you plant.

Both have their trade offs, both are necessary.

In the world of work, hunting and farming appears as sales and operations. To get a big client, you need to get out there. Once you have that client, you need to fulfill promises.

How does this relate to return to office and working from home?

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home was the exception, not the norm. The norm was everyone working in the office.

Think of working from home as “farming” and working in the office as “hunting”.

Generally, results of farming and hunting are different, especially at work.

UNTIL - everyone went from working in the office to working from home.

All of the sudden, everyone worked from home. Sure, there is an adjustment period - the funny thing:

Company’s results of everyone working from home were the same as if they worked from the office!

Almost every metric to a company!

Now, everyone is “hunting from home” and get great results.

Hunting on a Farm

Why would anyone goto the office if they are getting the same results from home??

That’s where I feel there’s so much resistance for workers to return to office, especially when there’s nobody else in the office!

It’s basically saying:

You want me to goto the office so I can achieve the same results as I got at home??

If one can get the same result of hunting on their farm, wouldn’t that be the preferred method??

Unless, there’s something waaaay bigger) than the company’s results.

Who knows?! These are just my thoughts and maybe there’s no truth to them.

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