Emacs Upgrade Frequency
Early in my life, whenever there’s a new feature for my computer’s operating system, I’d update my system right away.
Even when there’s bugs, stability issues, etc.
Being on the cutting edge was all that mattered.
As I depend on my computer more for my livelihood, I upgrade less rapidly. I would wait one or two weeks, see what others would say about the upgrade before I would upgrade myself.
One thing I upgrade even slower than my computer’s operating system:
I upgraded to the major Emacs version 29 from 25 and things were not working right.
The worst part - I had no backup to revert to!
I haven’t felt this way about updating too soon since… Linux 2.0 to 2.1 kernel!
What Happened
The problem was that my Emacs configuration was not working exactly right. The worst part is there’s so little interface and when things don’t work exactly the way I expect them to, it gets really annoying.
I never realize how much time I spend in Emacs until it doesn’t work perfectly. The other major application I run on my computer is the browser (which I do have in Emacs… 😒)
Root Cause
When I upgraded, I didn’t check if org-ai-mode was on the right version to match Emacs versions. Everything worked again after upgrading org-ai-mode to the current version.
In the Future
Since I use Emacs so much, it’s such a bare interface, and it’s configured exactly to my liking, whenever Emacs is not working just right - I really feel it.
Hence, I upgrade Emacs even less than the operating system!
Maybe I need to upgrade Emacs more frequently so I don’t get these unwanted surprises?