Coding with Gen AI: Shortcut to Solution
I wrote why it’s fun programming with Generative Artificial Intelligence, GenAI, because it’s so easy to refactor with Gen AI
One of the best parts of using GenAI to program is the shorter distance from problem to solution.
Without GenAI:
- Describe problem
- Perform search for problem
- Read top solutions
- Interpret solutions
- Evaluate discovered solution and your problem
- Transform discovered solution to your problem’s situation
- Validate problem fixed
- Repeat from 2 or continue to next problem
With GenAI, this is my problem to solution workflow:
- Describe problem in Prompt
- Read and interpret solution
- Validate problem fixed
- Repeat from 2 or continue to next problem
It’s basically half the steps, the steps GenAI replace are the really hard steps in programming!
An essential skill for a programmer is basically creating small environments to isolate or replicate behavior. When you find an article online, there’s always an impedance mismatch. The problem sounds right, the implementation is just a little off. You have to make up for that difference.
It’s in that difference where you get stuck, as software is all about the details. cough off by one. cough
GenAI takes care of the interpreting and transformation steps - you get the solution in the code you specify.
I love coding with GenAI as I just code up a storm.