Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Why Get Coached?

There are different ways to improve yourself and your life. The self-help industry exists because there’s a natural desire to improve.

Honestly, use coaching when you want improve your life in a dramatic way. When you have tried everything else. You read so much self-help you’re lost. Your friends just don’t know what else to say.

With a coach, you have another person observing you as you improve yourself. They provide feedback, give guidance, and if they achieved the goal before, give own insight on your journey.

I am a big believer in coaching. Self-help books go pretty far, coaching goes a whole new level. They draw from being an impartial observer, coaching others similar to you and/or have similar goals.

  • A good coach will get you to your goal fast.
  • A great coach will get to the essence of your goal and improve your whole life.

The funny thing about a coach is they will say things your closest partner will say about you. My wife said this while I had a coach:

I told you exactly the same thing numerous times before! Why do you have to pay them when I’m giving you the advice for free!?

Well, there’s something about having someone close to you as your coach. It’s not just the same - I believe it’s the internal model one builds of people close to them that makes getting feedback hard.

Or coaches know how to say thing so they land.

Either way, I believe everyone needs a coach - especially those in professional services. There’s a benefit to have someone impartial point out your blind spots and how to fix them.

Plus, almost every executive gets an “executive coach” from the company - why don’t you get one for yourself now?!