Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Insights: The Art of Teaching Children

I bought The Art of Teaching Children by Phillip Done on a whim and found the following insights just from the opening pages.

Insights from Reading Book

This opening quote blew my mind:

Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.

  • John Steinbeck

The other from the author, something to the effect of:

Teaching is a time machine. You do the same thing, year after year, your students are the same age. Time stands still, until you hear: “You taught my parents!”

(I’m ad-libbing here)

If you’re a teacher, the best age to teach is 9-10 years old because children still respect you.

By profession, I’m not a teacher - as a leader and a parent, I am constantly teaching.

This book helps me create a better appreciation for my children’s teachers and empathy for the teaching profession.

Teaching is hard and highly rewarding - I’m loving the insights Mr. Done provides in The Art of Teaching Children.