Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Buy on Emotion; Justify with Logic

I read David Sandler’s - You Can’t Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar to learn more about the sales process.

One key idea shared with me before reading:

People buy on emotion, just justify with logic

Buying TV on Emotion; Justifying TV's Price with Logic

This is exactly what happened to me recently: I saw a great deal on a piece of electronics I wanted for a long time. I immediately bought it. When I explained what I did, she asked: “Why?” - I explained it was a present to myself.

I don’t need a present for myself - I just wanted it.

The worse part is that I didn’t really need the item, I just wanted it. When the deal came up, I didn’t have any logic for why I immediately bought the item, I had to come up with the reason later.

As logical as I wish I am, I realize I am emotional. So emotional that “logic” is a type of emotion - one that is devoid of emotions.

Since reading about the Sandler Sales system and reflecting on this experience, I see where I need to improve in my sales process. I also see where I failed in my other attempts at persuading someone to my point of view (another form of sales.)

Where have you seen yourself falling for “sales techniques” that you knew about? What do you do about them after realizing the technique?