Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

One Degree Off

When I was younger, I attended Church - one of the most enlightening things I learned was:

You can be one degree off and feel perfectly aligned to Christ. Once you separate long enough over time, you have a wide gap.

The image was something like this:

[Note: image and lines not to scale]

When you look at the image left of the green marker, the blue and red lines are so close, they almost blur together like a single purple line.

The lines to the right of the green marker start to diverge into separate lines and they are distinguishable as separate lines. You can make out the red line and blue lines.

The speaker said this separation at the end starts to create a gap between the lines, even though the lines started off with just a slight separation at the beginning, they were tightly aligned until to some point, they had a separation between them.

I don’t remember what the speaker said the rest of the talk. What blew my mind was that I am Church and someone used a math concept to describe their relationship with Christ.


Although I do not attend Church for a long time, I still respect it and this lesson stuck with me in different areas of my life.