Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Vacationing Forever

One thing I notice more “content” on is the: living in a place of your dreams compared to visiting the place of your dreams.

When you have a great vacation, you are content with just visiting new places.

What if you don’t have a great vacation? The vacation is just good or OK? What if you keep thinking about that one vacation spot, the one you keep dreaming about and you want to… vacation there forever?

One option, you can live there - essentially vacationing there forever. It’s a great place - why not make it your new reality?

The main reason why a place that is great to vacation at is different than when you live there:

  • When you vacation, your time there is short - you take shortcuts, you maximize pleasure in the short term.
  • When you live, your time there is longer - you plan more, investigate options, maximize options for the long term.

Sometimes, these overlap a lot, sometimes, the overlap is a sliver.

The frustration is when the latter happens - living in the place that is great to vacation at is not a great place to live.

Be open to this - the world is big and life is full of variety.

Sometimes, it just take a total mindset shift to see how awesome a new place is to live.

Or… take another vacation.
