Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Align with Your Mission

One of the most important things you do in life is:

Align Yourself with Your Mission

When you align yourself with your mission, everything in life goes smoother. The effort of 1+1 is not just 2, it is greater than 10!

I have been lucky at certain times in my life that I just “fell in to my mission” and everything worked out.

When I went against my mission, things did not go well. Life was hard, a grind, just a beat down. 1+1 was not 2, it was less than 1!

Finding Mission

Given that life is great aligned with mission and sucks off misaligned from mission, the real question is:

How do you find your mission?

That’s a million, billion, trillion dollar question.

There are different ways and everyone has their own based on their own preferences. I really like using Jam Writing whenever I need a check in.

Hints of Mission

Whatever the way, watch out for the “it makes sense” situation - where logic defines the mission.

Mission is emotional - it should make you excited, want to get up early, work late, get others around you motivated too. The inner core of you know your mission is true and will hold yourself to it, no matter what “logic says”.

The easiest way to go against your mission is to go with what’s only logical, whatever “makes sense”, or worst, what someone else says you should do that you never considered.

Mission as a Guide

When you’re aligned with mission, there will be rocky parts - that’s why the mission is there, to provide guidance from a higher place. Those rocky parts are just what you see on the ground, your mission comes from a higher purpose that is for you.

Stay on Mission

So, always get back to your mission. Find ways to align yourself with it. Life will be a breeze. Use your mission when things get rough. Whenever you misalign with your mission, life will be that much harder every single step.