Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Why Attend Company Trainings?

Given that attending company trainings also adds to your workload, heaven forbid you fall behind on your work because you’re in company trainings!

Deeper Learning at Company Training

Why goto company trainings?

  • Help Human Resources
  • Network
  • Get Learning Done

and depending on your company situation: free meals! ;-)

Human Resources

Let’s not forget the reason why the company provides training: an initiative from human resources to improve the company.

Just by attending, you are helping human resources reach their goals.

Isn’t that just great?


As trainings are for the whole company, I found company trainings a great place to network with others in the company you would never meet unless it’s a project. The larger the company, the opportunity to meet with those further away from you.

Also, as these people want to learn, you are meeting people as motivated as you. Always great company to keep.

These people can help you understand your company better and give another perspective of your company.


Your company is putting money into these trainings and well, if you’re not going, someone else will - or heaven forbid: nobody goes!

The company will use training budget, you might as well benefit from this as much as you can.

As the trainings are for broad appeal, there’s a good chance you will have an interest in the topic. Most trainings I attended were on a popular business book. 7 Habits of Highly Effecitve People. Monday to Monday.

Deeper Learning

If you want to get even more out of these trainings: read the book before the training. You will learn the material at a deeper level because it won’t be the first time you see the material. You can interact with the instructor on the material - who has seen and presented the materials numerous times to different audiences.

This has been the best experience for learning for me.

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