Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Company: Farming and Hunting

Following up from my Work: Farming and Hunting article, I want to apply the analogy to a company.

Given that hunting is an activity for when you don’t know the output and farming is when you know the desired output - what parts of the company correspond to the hunters and farmers?

Evolution of Farming Evolution of Hunting

  • Sales for hunting.
  • Operations for farming.

When I put these company parts to their hunting/farming counter-parts, I see them in a new light. I understand why all of them are complex in their own ways.

Before, I could not understand how farming/operations were hard. I always understood how sales/hunting is hard.

It’s amazing how we as a species evolved over the last thousand years - reorganizing ourselves from our ancient ancestors, only to basically have the same core functionality in society.

One group goes out to explore the unknown, another stays to maintain the known.

Isn’t that something?!

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