Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

My Bookshelf: You Can Heal Your Life

A book on my bookshelf is:

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

This book came to me at a time when I was down on myself. Just before, I started something new and I was not good at it - so the company did the right thing and stopped our relationship.

This devastated me as I felt I was on the path to a new beginning.

I got a coach and they introduced me to Louise Hay’s work. I read different self-help books - Louise’s book stood out. It was not instructions or programs to help you.

All Louise’s message is one of forgiveness and that You Can Heal Your Life.

She shared her journey and provided massive context on life. How your parents did the best they did because of what their parents had.

It’s eye opening.

Through this book, I learned first to forgive myself. Only when that happened, I could start to heal myself.

I never enountered this in other self-help books.

After reading, practice forgiving myself, and seeing this works, Louise’s message seems so obvious.

I treasure this book because it started me on a journey to heal myself. Something I never found in other self-help books until then.

In group sessions with my coach, I notice this is the book they would recommend to others as well. It’s that good.

When you are down and want to begin the process of healing, read Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life.

It started a new journey for me - and maybe for you?
