Parenting: Whiteboards and Toddlers
I loved the gift our friends gave our kids: a whiteboard on an easel. My kids loved playing with the same easel when we were at our friends place. This gift is a definite hit, right??
Our kids definitely loved the whiteboard easel. They were playing on it as soon the whiteboard easel was setup.
After about two or three sessions of my younger son, who is about three years old, I realize how evil whiteboards are for toddlers.
You see, in my house, the whiteboard and the walls are the same color:
When my son ran out of space to draw on his whiteboard, he took the next logical step:
He used the wall for more whiteboard!
Any parent with a toddler knows it’s basically impossible to explain the difference between things as similar as white walls.
- “It’s OK to draw on the white wall on the easel”
- “It’s bad to draw on the white wall not on the easel”
Let’s just say, I learned to clean whiteboard marker off white walls in different ways and quickly.
Well, now I know what kind of present to get someone with a young child…