Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Parenting: Buy Toy Systems

When I am buying toys for my kids now, one of the primary factors I use to decide what to buy them is:

What toy system is it?

Most toys are stand alone, which is nice, because there’s no dependencies. (Wow, I feel like it’s my day job.)

Kids Playing with Toys

The toys I prefer for my kids have a whole system around them - such as: LEGO or DUPLO.

The key reason:

One new addition enhances value of all the other toys in the system.

For LEGO - just getting a new set would add to every other piece present in the system.

Have a house? Adding a car increases playability. Take them apart and now you can mix the house and car into… a recreational vehicle? I dunno - anything is possible.

The best part is - kids get to revisit the toys they already have in a new perspective with a new toy.

Hence, when other friends or parents ask what to give my kids, I recommend toys from systems we already have - not only would the individual toy be interesting, the toy would add value to everything we already have.

I never thought I would think so much about the toys I give my kids so much.
