Reactions to Me Living in Hawai'i
As I catch up with people and share my move to Hawaii, I am encountering a range of reactions:
- Indifference - they don’t care for my decision (i.e. “Oh, that’s so nice”)
- Jealousy - they are envious of my decision (i.e. “You’re living the dream!”)
In both cases (from what I can tell they are happy for me.
Recently, a new reaction I encountered:
Oh wow, you’re in Hawaii?? I have to go back and rethink all of my life decisions.
Woah - that took me back. Here, I shared just an update on my life, yet, that information cause the person to rethink their life decisions.
In a way, I felt I made a person feel bad because of a decision I made for my family and I.
I start to realize - just the fact that I moved to Hawaii can make people feel bad, like:
That person moved to Hawaii, why aren’t I???
That is not the reaction I want others to have, I didn’t want to make others feel bad.
I’ve done other things in my life to make other jealous, this isn’t one of them.
One thing I would love is to have my decision inspire you - to cause you to reflect and ask:
How can I be as happy as they are?
That’s what I will strive for when I share my news.