Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Constantly Learning: Regularly Switch Hand Dominance

I swap Apple Watch on my wrist about every month. I use this as an indicator of which hand to build dominance in.

I find this a great way to keep me on my edge - constantly learning new motor skills OR relearning skills.

Probably the one skill that I work the most on the non-dominant hand is:

Using my phone.

Man Struggling Using Phone

Since I started swapping which hand to use my phone, I notice I use my dominant phone hand when reaching for my phone and I have to consciously stop myself when it’s the month for my non-dominant hand.

I have an easier time writing with my non-dominant hand than swapping my phone hand.

Otherwise, the non-dominant hand switch is humbling, because I make mistakes, I’m slow, and I have to be conscious when operating my phone, a pen, or even my trackpad.

At the same time, I realize I can learn to improve my dominant hand from learning to teach the non-dominant hand, and vice-versa.

Switching your dominant hand each month is a great way to constantly learn, whether it’s learning to do something new or learning to do something better.

At worst, you can always switch back.
