Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Book: Turn The Ship Around - I Intend To

These are notes I am making from Turn The Ship Around - the start of this series is here.

In the team book club, one question came up:

As an individual contributor, how can I be a leader if the current mode of the group is: leader-follower?

I believe the answer in chapter 9 and chapter 11 gives a great answer:

  1. Behave your way to new thinking.
  2. Use active language instead of passive language.

New Behavior to New Thinking

Chapter 9 recommends that by changing behavior, thinking changes, instead of: thinking of the new behavior we want.

This leads to the question: what behavior to take?

“I intend to”

Chapter 11 - “I intend to…” brings the idea of using active language instead of passive language when communicating others, especially your superior.

Specific example:

I intend to blog every day because I want to improve my communication skills.

Explaining what you will do and why will demonstrate you are a leader, even when you are the lowest person in the organization.

Other forms:

  • I intend to … because …
  • I plan on … because …
  • I will … because …
  • We will … because …

I reflect on my personal life and how I ask questions