Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Writing Styles: Pantsers & Plotters - Weekly Deadline

After reading an article on writing, it made me reflect on my own writing style. You can find the first article here

When I plotted my articles out, I would set a deadline of every week. When I had a commute, the deadline would be Friday.

Friday worked with the commute because I would plot the article out all week and when the deadline came closer, I would just switch to writing mode and grind out it.

By publishing the article on Friday, I would be free on the weekend to relax (and bask in the glory of publishing.)

Sometimes, the article would slip past the Friday deadline - which is acceptable because the deadline is every week - not every Friday. This subtle difference is important.

When I couldn’t make Fridays, I would be crunching the weekend and publish Sundays.

The weekly deadline worked for me - enough structure to kill plotters, enough flexibility to accommodate for life.

I made the jump to posting daily and rules I need to support that process.