Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Writing Styles: Pantsers & Plotters - Better Plotting

After reading an article on writing, it made me reflect on my own writing style. You can find the first article here

One side effect (or benefit?) of killing my inner plotter with deadlines is that there’s a great sense of accomplishment from publishing an article - no matter how bad or great the article is.

Getting Things Done always feels good.

Once I started to kill my inner plotter regularly and this accomplishment sensation took over, I really didn’t care about having the article to be perfect, technically correct, or even original.

What I did care about was what I wrote - that for me, as far as I can tell were:

  • perfect (enough)
  • technically correct (to a scope I set)
  • original (to me!)

Only by having an article plot that relaxed on these criteria - I would reach completion faster, by completing faster, I can tune on those criteria better.

It’s kind of funny to think: to be a better plotter, one can plot less.

Current technology is a plot killer