Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Writing Styles: Pantsers & Plotters - Deadlines

After reading an article on writing, it made me reflect on my own writing style. You can find the first article here

The lure of creating the perfect plot or another way to see it: over plotting is high.

The only way I found to overcome over plotting is to put a hard deadline on myself.

I must publish the article on this date.

Why is this important? Because a deadline forces a limitation on our most valuable resource:


When the deadline approaches I could either: rise to the challenge OR let myself fail.

Did I mention: I hate failing?

This practice took six months to sink in. Failing for six months hurt me enough to not fail ever again - even when I traveled around the world, moved, or had two kids.

Deadlines - killing my inner plotter one deadline at a time. :-)

With a deadline, my plotting became better.