Writing Styles: Pantsers & Plotters - Over Plotting
After reading an article on writing, it made me reflect on my own writing style. You can find the first article here
When I started my blog - there was so much resistance to getting a post going. It was almost a full year from the “first post” to regular weekly posting.
After getting on a weekly posting cadence, I could not understand why I had so much resistance. Was it just me? Was it nerves?
I also see the same effect when I ask team members to post regularly too. The resistance is so great, they would rather work nights and weekends for the next month on a 21 point story than post 1000 words every week for a month.
After reading about “plotters” and reflecting on this - I see what is happening:
Over Plotting
I had this - the article needs to be perfect, the content: technically correct, the ideas: original.
I spent so much time on creating a plot to fulfill these insurmountable requirements, weeks would just keep passing by. I would justify missing deadlines as not getting the plot just right.
Next, I talk about how I killed my “inner plotter”